Super Tommy Two-Shoes

Super Tommy Two-Shoes

Super Tommy Two-Shoes


Written by: tim shamirzayev


Tommy- Upbeat and optimistic mascot of Squirrel. Serves as a superhero that will save the world from great evil. (M/F)

Mac- Cynical and irritable sidekick to Tommy. Local store owner turned co-saviour of the plant. (M)

Magma- Terrible tyrant who will stop at nothing to execute his evil plan.  The murderer of Tommy’s father and lover of fine wine. (M/F)

Minion- Loyal and brutish servant of Dr magma. (M/F)   


Synopsis: Two residents of Squirrel, Idaho embark on a quest to save the world when their ordinary day is interrupted by red skies and spooky howling winds. The hero, Tommy, sees this as an opportunity to prove himself to the world and his friend/sidekick Mac. Mac doesn’t really want any part in the quest but is dragged along by Tommy anyway. Nonetheless, the two are determined to put a stop to the evil schemes of Dr. Sam Magma and his super volcano!


Setting: Squirrel, Idaho. January 1, 2000.


Production Notes:


-Tommy (Goggles, Cape, Jeans, White T-Shirt)

-Mac (Black Pants, White Dress Shirt, Vest, Popcorn Hat)

-Magma (Cloak, Black Robe)

-Goon (Sweatpants, White Undershirt)


-Stick of Butter

-Popcorn Hat

**Role of Minion is so small it should be played by someone already in another class act**


Scene One (Exposition)


Squirrel, Idaho, 2000 ~ Squirrel is a small community west of Yellowstone National Park. The air is clean, the trees are green, and the sky is a bright aquamarine. Thousands of tourists travel to the park to get a glimpse of its natural beauty. However, a lesser-known gem exists within the community of Squirrel, which is their local hero: Super Tommy Two-Shoes. He lives within the small town, which has a mere population of two. Tommy and his neighbour Mac live in the town’s only houses and work their separate jobs. Between the house lies a general store run by Mac, which has Tommy as a frequent visitor. Life in Squirrel is slow, monotonous, and stagnant until one day…


(Stage is bare as lights and soundtrack come up. TOMMY stands up from a seat in the audience and makes his way onto the stage while apologizing profusely to the crowd on his way up. As TOMMY turns to face the audience, he trips and gets up. He is wearing his signature goggles and cape.)


TOMMY (Frantically):

Howdy! The name is Super Tommy Two-Shoes or John for short. Welcome to Squirrel, my hometown! (Dusting himself off) I live here, it’s pretty neat because we’re right next to a really big park that’s full of trees and grass. I got this neighbour, his name is Mac, we’re the only two in town, but we keep each other company all the time! Even though he has tried to get me a restraining order… but we don’t have cops here, so that means– Oh right! You’re here for the story about the time the two of us saved the world. Don’t worry, it’ll only take about 10 minutes, so sit back and relax and witness the greatest hero Squirrel has ever seen… (Begins to walk off stage) Oh, and his sidekick.


Scene Two (Inciting Incident)

(Music resumes and TOMMY exits SL. MAC enters from SR and takes a nap on LSC. TOMMY enters and walks about USC. He notices that the lights begin to dim and turn red.)


TOMMY (Startled)  (Cleaning his goggles) It’s awfully red this afternoon. I bet it’s just that time of the month! (The chime to MAC’s store rings. TOMMY sneaks over to MAC and shakes him awake.1



Awaken, Mac! The sky is hemophilic. (TOMMY cradles MAC in his arms for comfort)


MAC (Waking up)


(Still half asleep) Welcome valued customer… (Wakes up) Oh no, not you again! Wait, what do you mean the sky’s– AUUGHHGHH (MAC notices the sky)




(Drops Mac and move LSC) Yes, I have seen this before. It’s Dr. Magma! (Pronounces it MAAAAHHHG-MAAHH)




Don’t you mean Magma?




MAAAAAHHHG-MAAHH! It sounds eviler.




Well, what do you suggest we do about this MAAAHG-MAHH? I get nasty vibes from guys that turn the sky red.




Well… first, we go over the bridge, past the windmill, under the well, down by the bay, across the rickety bridge, and into the castle where we fight the evil minion and then the master himself. You’ll be my sidekick in this endeavour, and with my genius and your great sense of humour we wi–




There is no way we’re doing that!









Look, this is an iss-you, not an iss-me. Besides, what’s wrong if the sky is a little red now and then, it reminds me of my days in the elementary playground… (MAC experiences flashbacks)




“What’s wro–” Haven’t you heard the prophecy?!




Oh, please enlighten me!


(Lights dim and a spotlight is on TOMMY. MAC begins feasting upon a bag of popcorn.)




“There lies a volcano underground in the heart of Yellowstone National Park, whispers warn of the day it erupts, for when it does, all life will cease as we know it. Every ten years, Dr. Sam Magma cracks through another layer of its volcanic crust, and on January 1, 2000, he will have cracked through its final layer, unleashing the horrors trapped within the very ground we walk on.”


(Lights return to a wash. TOMMY notices MAC and his popcorn.)


THIS IS NO TIME FOR KERNEL GOODS!! (Whacks popcorn out of MAC’s hand.)




My popcorn!




WE are going to save the world now!




I mean… I dunno–




You’re coming with me, whether you like it or not!


(TOMMY tackles MAC and picks him up. TOMMY begins to sing the “Travel Song” while he lifts MAC offstage. Once offstage, MAC quickly runs back to pick up his popcorn and gets pursued by TOMMY while getting picked up once again.  MAC and TOMMY exit.)


Scene Three (Rising Action)


(TOMMY and MAC re-enter the scene from LSL. Lights are blue with a dim wash on stage.)




Tommy, can we please go home now? We didn’t even pack any food, and you ate all my popcorn! I’m starving.




Evil does not rest because your belly is empty. Besides, we’re in the great outdoors of Yellowstone National Park, we’re practically surrounded by food. Little do you know, but I was abandoned by my parents, so I was left  to find food for myself. Why, I could wrestle a bear with my bare hands, and get us a meal that’ll last for a lifetime! Watch! (TOMMY exits SR. TOMMY is heard fighting and taunting their next meal. Amongst the cries, MAC sits in LSC. When he returns, he comes back with a bag of popcorn.) There you are, Bon Appetit!




This? This is your idea of food?! This won’t even last us half an hour!





Hmm, maybe you’re right. You think I should’ve gotten some butter?




What, no! You know what? I don’t need buttery popcorn, I need a proper meal, which I can find back home in Squirrel. Save the world yourself, because I quit! (MAC exits)



Mac, Mac! You can’t quit, I need you! I need… Fine, I don’t need you! But, boy, it sure is dark here! I could be jumped at any minute now by some spooky wild animal!! (Sits down and begins eating popcorn.) Ugh! It’s stale. Hey, don’t forget your popcorn! (Throws popcorn away.) No, he’s right! I can save the world by myself! A superhero doesn’t need a sidekick. I’m Super Tommy Two-Shoes!! I will defeat single-handedly defeat Dr. Sam Mag– (A loud, thundering voice interrupts TOMMY)






(TOMMY mutters frightened as he looks above the audience)


Minion! Please escort this runt away.


(MINION enters. TOMMY attempts to battle the MINION but loses and is then dragged away.)


And so, another brave adventurer falls by my hand! I, Dr. Sam MAAAHHHHGG-MAAAA–


(MAGMA experiences a wild cough. MAGMA clears his throat while the lights shift back into Squirrel.)


Excuse me!




Scene Four (Climax)


(MAC enters stage alone with a bag of popcorn.)




Bag of popcorn, what was that kid thinking?! I’m a man. I eat steak, potatoes, and wild boars for a living. I mind my own business, nothing else! I make my own living. I go on my own adventures, living my own life. I exude confidence wherever I go, I make myself laugh, AND… (The chime to MAC’s store plays. MAC stands still on the lip with his head hung low. Pause.) Who am I kidding? What kind of a guy would leave his best friend behind to save the world by himself. Running away because I couldn’t take it… pathetic. I get a little hungry, and I yell at the guy trying his best to feed me, and now he’s probably… gone. I’m not a man. I’m just a kid! A stupid kid. (MAC looks down at his popcorn for a moment and snaps his head up.) No… no, I won’t let this town down, nor will I let this world go. It’s worth fighting for!! Tommy, I’m coming for you, and Mahhhhhg-maaa, say your prayers. For I am, Mac-Man! Sidekick and friend of the Great Super Tommy Two-Shoes!! Huzzah! (MAC places the popcorn bag on his head and strikes a pose.) I’m coming for ya, buddy! (MAC exits)


(Enter a tied up and masked TOMMY accompanied by a cloaked figure. They arrive LSC with a powerful red light.)




(Takes a powerful inhale.) Ahhh, isn’t the smell of fire and molten lava just delightful? (MAGMA removes TOMMY’s mask) BEHOLD! The very super volcano that will end this world! And I, (MAGMA removes cloak.) Dr. Sam MAHHHHHG-MAAA will thrive on a planet with nothing more than rock and oceans of MAAHHHGGGG-MAAA! (MAGMA begins to laugh maniacally but breaks into a cough once again.) Darn! An ALMOST perfect villain monologue. Nonetheless, BEHOLD JOHN! (MAGMA extracts a stick of butter from his cloak.) A stick of butter!




It’s Tommy! Only my parents call me John.





Ah, yes, your parents! I know what happened to them. I’ll tell you if you beg me to do so.  




Tell me!




I’m sorry, what?




MAHHHGG-MAAA tell me what happened to them! I miss them…




(Aside) I killed them.




You, what?




Yes, threw them right down this very volcano! Oh, you should have been there, why it was splendid hearing their cries for help. They said that you should live no matter what happens, oh, how sorry they’ll be in a few minutes.










Well, if you don’t have anything to say, I suppose it’s time we get on with it. (Aside) Oh, you’re probably wondering why I have this stick of butter in my hand! (Back to TOMMY) Now, with this I shall cast it into the volcano to unleash the wild lava that rests dormant awaiting a high fat treat such as this to awaken it.


(As MAGMA is about to throw the butter, they break out into a violent cough. Enter MAC.)


Damn diaphragm! Now then… (MAGMA rises their arm in the air for the final throw; however, MAC intercepts and grabs MAGMA’s wrist. TOMMY and MAGMA gasp in shock.) Huh, unhand me fool!




I don’t think so, MAHHHHGGG-MAAA! Your time is up. (MAGMA breaks free.)




Stupid kids, leave me and my masterplan be! (MAGMA strikes his own pose and begins to attack MAC. MAGMA drops the butter.)




Not this time! (MAC evades every punch and lands a few blows. MAGMA lands a counter attack! MAC falls right next to the stick of butter.)  Tommy, catch!


(MAC throws the butter to TOMMY and he catches it.)




What am I supposed to do with a stick of butter?!




Use it!





Oh, okay! (TOMMY uses the butter to get himself out of the ties. TOMMY runs towards Magma and pulls him off MAC.)






(TOMMY and MAC rise to their feet.)




NO, YOU!! (TOMMY and MAC lift MAGMA on each side and throw him off LS into the volcano. MAGMA rises and runs through the audience and out the door while shouting in agony.)


Scene Five (Falling Action)


( Both TOMMY and MAC stand side-by-side on LS and stare out into the audience. Pause. MAC breaks the silence with a flamboyant display of celebration.)




We did it, Tommy! We saved the world fro–





Mac, you came back, but why?




Tommy, I’m sorry for what happened earlier. It was so stupid and…selfish! I regret every second of it. I thought I was being smart by fending for myself, but all I did was get you hurt. If anything were to happen you I would have… Tommy, I’m s–


(TOMMY interrupts MAC by embracing him in his arms. The two meet in LSC and pause.)


Tommy, you’re not mad at me?




Mad? Why would I be mad?




But I–


TOMMY (Returning to his usual high energy.)


Mac, we just saved the world! We defeated the evil Dr. MAAHHHHGG-MAAA!!




I know, but–




Hey, are you gonna stand around and complain all day, or are you gonna strike some victory poses with me?


(TOMMY and MAC share a moment of silence while they look at one another. They smile and begin striking poses. They break into a laugh.)


Oh, check it out! (TOMMY picks up the butter.) Butter!




For our kernel needs? (MAC removes his helmet of popcorn.)




You know it, partner!




Hey, call me Mac-Man!


TOMMY (Smiles)


Very well, Mac-Man! Shall we embark on another quest?




On one condition!




And what would that be, Mac-Man?!




I get to be the sidekick!




You’re on!



Scene Six (Resolution)


(MAC and TOMMY strike one last pose. Music plays and the two begin to dance.)




So, yeah! That’s how me, Super Tommy Two-Shoes–




And his sidekick Mac-Man!




Saved the world from the evil Dr. Sam Magma!


(MAGMA peaks in from SR.)








Anyway, that’s our story! I guess every great hero needs a partner that’s just as awesome! Nevertheless, that’s all folks! (Exit MAGMA and MAC.) What, you’re still here? Go make your own story now!!




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1 Comment

  • preet393

    June 22, 2018 at 3:06 am Reply

    Dear Tim,

    Your integration of humour throughout your class act was quite engaging, as the surprise element that you used to add in a comic effect at the most unexpected times enhanced the overall unity of your piece and developed the voices of the characters. Your piece, in a way, also reminded me of the “This is a Play” One Act performance, as it reflected the concept of absurdist humor from certain parts of your piece. My favourite part of your scriptwriting was the way you were very able to add an emotional twist while maintaining that humour, when the Mac character chose to assist Tommy in his venture.

    As for improvement, I do not have much to say but for the part where Mac was talking about how he should have stayed with Tommy, in the first line, I thought him addressing Tommy as “kid” was slightly confusing, as it made it sort of difficult for me to envision the actual appearance and characteral voice of Mac. Other than that minor detail, I can’t seem to pinpoint any other sections that need tweaking.

    Overall, I loved your writing and can tell that you are very meticulous and experienced in regards to script writing, as every single detail was formally included and clear.

    Great job, Tim, can’t wait to read more of your work over the summer if you continue posting!

    Preet 🙂

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