Part B: You, The Blogger

  1. Looking back at the beginning of the semester, my blog was quite boring and uninspired. I simply copied the AP ELA aesthetic because I was comfortable with it. Now, my blog has become its own. It is distinctly me, and I feel a sense of comfort and inspiration when I log onto my homepage.
  2. I like the way the blog looks with its aesthetics of snowflakes and colours. It provides a sense of unity between each and every story despite being so different. However, I still wish there was a way to preview each post instead of having every single word lined up without any cuts.
  3. Keep updating it with my various stories and thoughts. If I don’t get CW next year, I’ll take some assignments from the class and work on them on my own without the deadlines and such.
  4. Faith    Abhay    Akaash
  5. N/A (Weird! I guess I’ll have to find some to explore)
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