Super Tommy Two-Shoes

Super Tommy Two-Shoes


Written by: tim shamirzayev


Tommy- Upbeat and optimistic mascot of Squirrel. Serves as a superhero that will save the world from great evil. (M/F)

Mac- Cynical and irritable sidekick to Tommy. Local store owner turned co-saviour of the plant. (M)

Magma- Terrible tyrant who will stop at nothing to execute his evil plan.  The murderer of Tommy’s father and lover of fine wine. (M/F)

Minion- Loyal and brutish servant of Dr magma. (M/F)   


Synopsis: Two residents of Squirrel, Idaho embark on a quest to save the world when their ordinary day is interrupted by red skies and spooky howling winds. The hero, Tommy, sees this as an opportunity to prove himself to the world and his friend/sidekick Mac. Mac doesn’t really want any part in the quest but is dragged along by Tommy anyway. Nonetheless, the two are determined to put a stop to the evil schemes of Dr. Sam Magma and his super volcano!


Setting: Squirrel, Idaho. January 1, 2000.


Production Notes:


-Tommy (Goggles, Cape, Jeans, White T-Shirt)

-Mac (Black Pants, White Dress Shirt, Vest, Popcorn Hat)

-Magma (Cloak, Black Robe)

-Goon (Sweatpants, White Undershirt)


-Stick of Butter

-Popcorn Hat

**Role of Minion is so small it should be played by someone already in another class act**


Scene One (Exposition)


Squirrel, Idaho, 2000 ~ Squirrel is a small community west of Yellowstone National Park. The air is clean, the trees are green, and the sky is a bright aquamarine. Thousands of tourists travel to the park to get a glimpse of its natural beauty. However, a lesser-known gem exists within the community of Squirrel, which is their local hero: Super Tommy Two-Shoes. He lives within the small town, which has a mere population of two. Tommy and his neighbour Mac live in the town’s only houses and work their separate jobs. Between the house lies a general store run by Mac, which has Tommy as a frequent visitor. Life in Squirrel is slow, monotonous, and stagnant until one day…


(Stage is bare as lights and soundtrack come up. TOMMY stands up from a seat in the audience and makes his way onto the stage while apologizing profusely to the crowd on his way up. As TOMMY turns to face the audience, he trips and gets up. He is wearing his signature goggles and cape.)


TOMMY (Frantically):

Howdy! The name is Super Tommy Two-Shoes or John for short. Welcome to Squirrel, my hometown! (Dusting himself off) I live here, it’s pretty neat because we’re right next to a really big park that’s full of trees and grass. I got this neighbour, his name is Mac, we’re the only two in town, but we keep each other company all the time! Even though he has tried to get me a restraining order… but we don’t have cops here, so that means– Oh right! You’re here for the story about the time the two of us saved the world. Don’t worry, it’ll only take about 10 minutes, so sit back and relax and witness the greatest hero Squirrel has ever seen… (Begins to walk off stage) Oh, and his sidekick.


Scene Two (Inciting Incident)

(Music resumes and TOMMY exits SL. MAC enters from SR and takes a nap on LSC. TOMMY enters and walks about USC. He notices that the lights begin to dim and turn red.)


TOMMY (Startled)  (Cleaning his goggles) It’s awfully red this afternoon. I bet it’s just that time of the month! (The chime to MAC’s store rings. TOMMY sneaks over to MAC and shakes him awake.1



Awaken, Mac! The sky is hemophilic. (TOMMY cradles MAC in his arms for comfort)


MAC (Waking up)


(Still half asleep) Welcome valued customer… (Wakes up) Oh no, not you again! Wait, what do you mean the sky’s– AUUGHHGHH (MAC notices the sky)




(Drops Mac and move LSC) Yes, I have seen this before. It’s Dr. Magma! (Pronounces it MAAAAHHHG-MAAHH)




Don’t you mean Magma?




MAAAAAHHHG-MAAHH! It sounds eviler.




Well, what do you suggest we do about this MAAAHG-MAHH? I get nasty vibes from guys that turn the sky red.




Well… first, we go over the bridge, past the windmill, under the well, down by the bay, across the rickety bridge, and into the castle where we fight the evil minion and then the master himself. You’ll be my sidekick in this endeavour, and with my genius and your great sense of humour we wi–




There is no way we’re doing that!









Look, this is an iss-you, not an iss-me. Besides, what’s wrong if the sky is a little red now and then, it reminds me of my days in the elementary playground… (MAC experiences flashbacks)




“What’s wro–” Haven’t you heard the prophecy?!




Oh, please enlighten me!


(Lights dim and a spotlight is on TOMMY. MAC begins feasting upon a bag of popcorn.)




“There lies a volcano underground in the heart of Yellowstone National Park, whispers warn of the day it erupts, for when it does, all life will cease as we know it. Every ten years, Dr. Sam Magma cracks through another layer of its volcanic crust, and on January 1, 2000, he will have cracked through its final layer, unleashing the horrors trapped within the very ground we walk on.”


(Lights return to a wash. TOMMY notices MAC and his popcorn.)


THIS IS NO TIME FOR KERNEL GOODS!! (Whacks popcorn out of MAC’s hand.)




My popcorn!




WE are going to save the world now!




I mean… I dunno–




You’re coming with me, whether you like it or not!


(TOMMY tackles MAC and picks him up. TOMMY begins to sing the “Travel Song” while he lifts MAC offstage. Once offstage, MAC quickly runs back to pick up his popcorn and gets pursued by TOMMY while getting picked up once again.  MAC and TOMMY exit.)


Scene Three (Rising Action)


(TOMMY and MAC re-enter the scene from LSL. Lights are blue with a dim wash on stage.)




Tommy, can we please go home now? We didn’t even pack any food, and you ate all my popcorn! I’m starving.




Evil does not rest because your belly is empty. Besides, we’re in the great outdoors of Yellowstone National Park, we’re practically surrounded by food. Little do you know, but I was abandoned by my parents, so I was left  to find food for myself. Why, I could wrestle a bear with my bare hands, and get us a meal that’ll last for a lifetime! Watch! (TOMMY exits SR. TOMMY is heard fighting and taunting their next meal. Amongst the cries, MAC sits in LSC. When he returns, he comes back with a bag of popcorn.) There you are, Bon Appetit!




This? This is your idea of food?! This won’t even last us half an hour!





Hmm, maybe you’re right. You think I should’ve gotten some butter?




What, no! You know what? I don’t need buttery popcorn, I need a proper meal, which I can find back home in Squirrel. Save the world yourself, because I quit! (MAC exits)



Mac, Mac! You can’t quit, I need you! I need… Fine, I don’t need you! But, boy, it sure is dark here! I could be jumped at any minute now by some spooky wild animal!! (Sits down and begins eating popcorn.) Ugh! It’s stale. Hey, don’t forget your popcorn! (Throws popcorn away.) No, he’s right! I can save the world by myself! A superhero doesn’t need a sidekick. I’m Super Tommy Two-Shoes!! I will defeat single-handedly defeat Dr. Sam Mag– (A loud, thundering voice interrupts TOMMY)






(TOMMY mutters frightened as he looks above the audience)


Minion! Please escort this runt away.


(MINION enters. TOMMY attempts to battle the MINION but loses and is then dragged away.)


And so, another brave adventurer falls by my hand! I, Dr. Sam MAAAHHHHGG-MAAAA–


(MAGMA experiences a wild cough. MAGMA clears his throat while the lights shift back into Squirrel.)


Excuse me!




Scene Four (Climax)


(MAC enters stage alone with a bag of popcorn.)




Bag of popcorn, what was that kid thinking?! I’m a man. I eat steak, potatoes, and wild boars for a living. I mind my own business, nothing else! I make my own living. I go on my own adventures, living my own life. I exude confidence wherever I go, I make myself laugh, AND… (The chime to MAC’s store plays. MAC stands still on the lip with his head hung low. Pause.) Who am I kidding? What kind of a guy would leave his best friend behind to save the world by himself. Running away because I couldn’t take it… pathetic. I get a little hungry, and I yell at the guy trying his best to feed me, and now he’s probably… gone. I’m not a man. I’m just a kid! A stupid kid. (MAC looks down at his popcorn for a moment and snaps his head up.) No… no, I won’t let this town down, nor will I let this world go. It’s worth fighting for!! Tommy, I’m coming for you, and Mahhhhhg-maaa, say your prayers. For I am, Mac-Man! Sidekick and friend of the Great Super Tommy Two-Shoes!! Huzzah! (MAC places the popcorn bag on his head and strikes a pose.) I’m coming for ya, buddy! (MAC exits)


(Enter a tied up and masked TOMMY accompanied by a cloaked figure. They arrive LSC with a powerful red light.)




(Takes a powerful inhale.) Ahhh, isn’t the smell of fire and molten lava just delightful? (MAGMA removes TOMMY’s mask) BEHOLD! The very super volcano that will end this world! And I, (MAGMA removes cloak.) Dr. Sam MAHHHHHG-MAAA will thrive on a planet with nothing more than rock and oceans of MAAHHHGGGG-MAAA! (MAGMA begins to laugh maniacally but breaks into a cough once again.) Darn! An ALMOST perfect villain monologue. Nonetheless, BEHOLD JOHN! (MAGMA extracts a stick of butter from his cloak.) A stick of butter!




It’s Tommy! Only my parents call me John.





Ah, yes, your parents! I know what happened to them. I’ll tell you if you beg me to do so.  




Tell me!




I’m sorry, what?




MAHHHGG-MAAA tell me what happened to them! I miss them…




(Aside) I killed them.




You, what?




Yes, threw them right down this very volcano! Oh, you should have been there, why it was splendid hearing their cries for help. They said that you should live no matter what happens, oh, how sorry they’ll be in a few minutes.










Well, if you don’t have anything to say, I suppose it’s time we get on with it. (Aside) Oh, you’re probably wondering why I have this stick of butter in my hand! (Back to TOMMY) Now, with this I shall cast it into the volcano to unleash the wild lava that rests dormant awaiting a high fat treat such as this to awaken it.


(As MAGMA is about to throw the butter, they break out into a violent cough. Enter MAC.)


Damn diaphragm! Now then… (MAGMA rises their arm in the air for the final throw; however, MAC intercepts and grabs MAGMA’s wrist. TOMMY and MAGMA gasp in shock.) Huh, unhand me fool!




I don’t think so, MAHHHHGGG-MAAA! Your time is up. (MAGMA breaks free.)




Stupid kids, leave me and my masterplan be! (MAGMA strikes his own pose and begins to attack MAC. MAGMA drops the butter.)




Not this time! (MAC evades every punch and lands a few blows. MAGMA lands a counter attack! MAC falls right next to the stick of butter.)  Tommy, catch!


(MAC throws the butter to TOMMY and he catches it.)




What am I supposed to do with a stick of butter?!




Use it!





Oh, okay! (TOMMY uses the butter to get himself out of the ties. TOMMY runs towards Magma and pulls him off MAC.)






(TOMMY and MAC rise to their feet.)




NO, YOU!! (TOMMY and MAC lift MAGMA on each side and throw him off LS into the volcano. MAGMA rises and runs through the audience and out the door while shouting in agony.)


Scene Five (Falling Action)


( Both TOMMY and MAC stand side-by-side on LS and stare out into the audience. Pause. MAC breaks the silence with a flamboyant display of celebration.)




We did it, Tommy! We saved the world fro–





Mac, you came back, but why?




Tommy, I’m sorry for what happened earlier. It was so stupid and…selfish! I regret every second of it. I thought I was being smart by fending for myself, but all I did was get you hurt. If anything were to happen you I would have… Tommy, I’m s–


(TOMMY interrupts MAC by embracing him in his arms. The two meet in LSC and pause.)


Tommy, you’re not mad at me?




Mad? Why would I be mad?




But I–


TOMMY (Returning to his usual high energy.)


Mac, we just saved the world! We defeated the evil Dr. MAAHHHHGG-MAAA!!




I know, but–




Hey, are you gonna stand around and complain all day, or are you gonna strike some victory poses with me?


(TOMMY and MAC share a moment of silence while they look at one another. They smile and begin striking poses. They break into a laugh.)


Oh, check it out! (TOMMY picks up the butter.) Butter!




For our kernel needs? (MAC removes his helmet of popcorn.)




You know it, partner!




Hey, call me Mac-Man!


TOMMY (Smiles)


Very well, Mac-Man! Shall we embark on another quest?




On one condition!




And what would that be, Mac-Man?!




I get to be the sidekick!




You’re on!



Scene Six (Resolution)


(MAC and TOMMY strike one last pose. Music plays and the two begin to dance.)




So, yeah! That’s how me, Super Tommy Two-Shoes–




And his sidekick Mac-Man!




Saved the world from the evil Dr. Sam Magma!


(MAGMA peaks in from SR.)








Anyway, that’s our story! I guess every great hero needs a partner that’s just as awesome! Nevertheless, that’s all folks! (Exit MAGMA and MAC.) What, you’re still here? Go make your own story now!!






Your eyes had once a mirror in which I admire myself.

Now that mirror is gone and I am forced now

to love you.

Your lips had once the taste of wild strawberries

now all I taste is the bitterness of my own failures.

not only to me but to you, too.

My heart had once love and compassion for you

now all that remains is the void of all my selfish desires.

I was your Clyde, Bonnie

Instead, our story ends not with bullets, but with the fire that stole you from my embrace.

Even now your voice haunts me.

The songs you hummed at night to me when my mind took sleep away; you gave it back.

Your voice now silent and hushed by the cold course fingers of Death.

He took you, for the best.

It was about a year ago when I broke up from my first real relationship. Before it, I had the occasional “it’s complicated” or the typical “middle school” relationship, but never anything I felt was tangible or truthful. That was until I met her. I could go on for hours about the story of how we met, but the truth is I would rather not remember. After I broke up with her, my life had become far more complicated than it had ever been. I asked questions that made me wonder if I ever really liked her. I was confused as to whether it was a relationship of love or lust. Growing up, I found there is quite the difference between the two.

The poem opens with “Your eyes had once… selfish desires”. These lines, in particular, acted as a reflection of my feelings. When we were together, I thought I loved her with every fiber of my being, but I learned everything I ever did for her was really for myself. Why was I with her in the first place? It was to make myself feel better about my own incompetence and lack of ambition or accomplishment. I told my self that I must be cool because I had a “lover”. I remember being taught by one of my mentors that “A loser with a lover is still a loser. He’s just a loser with a girl.” His words left a lasting impression on my mind, and I had that all too personal “aha!” Little did I know, I used her as a mirror to admire the hideous beast that took her. I was overprotective, not because she was someone I wanted to protect, but because she was the ivory gold I craved. My greed kept her a prisoner of my own selfish desires. Anytime she even doubted our love, I would act in a manner I look back on with disgust. I would tell her I was ill, and to leave me would cause me to die of heartbreak. I mattered to her, but she never did to me.

“I was… your embrace.” I had this false illusion fixed in my mind that told me she and I were a universe of all the things beautiful in our lives. Every cosmic supernova were bursts of passion in our hearts, which carried on creating new worlds for us to explore. We were the universe billions of years from now when Andromeda and the Milky Way collide to form what we believe to be the most beautiful display of cosmic wonder to ever be. Truthfully, we were underwhelming in the abundance of galaxies that collide every day. Nothing was special about how we embraced one another. Nothing was grounded in truth. Rather, we happened to end up in each other’s way as nothing more than a fleeting memory, which faded after years of false”I love you”s

“Even now… my Angel of Music” builds off the way she used to sing to me. I remember she was mediocre at best, but I admired her determination. Now, those notes mean nothing more to me than a terrifying melody of the darkest times of my life. I feel much music has been ruined for me as a result of how she used to sing them. I’ll never be able to listen to Elvis again without thinking of how many times she insisted on singing his beats.

Who is Death? That would be me. I took her from myself as a plea of mercy from my mind to my heart. Looking back, my only regret was I didn’t do it sooner.



The following spoken words were done by Koko the Talking Gorilla…

I am Gorilla

I am flowers, animals, and I am nature.

Man Koko love!

Earth Koko love!

But man stupid.


Koko sorry… Koko cry!

Time hurry.

Fix earth! Help earth!


Protect earth.

Nature see you.

Thank you!

Life on earth continues to fascinate me to no end. From the abomination of the platypus to the sheer brilliance of humans; our world is filled with such wonderful beings.

Mountain gorillas. They would fall under one of my favorite animals to ever grace this earth. As much as I would like to talk about how funny and cute they look, it would undermine many of their unique features. They are intelligent, gentle, and they are like us. The male gorilla leads a cohesive family, which they will protect. They will charge and make themselves larger to instill fear into any predators that may harm their young. Even if it means putting down their own lives, family comes first for the male mountain gorilla. Yet, they are as gentle as their female counterpart since they support their young during the time of weaning. Furthermore, when the young are old enough (around 11 years old) they leave their biological family to start their own. They tend to travel for quite some time, either alone or with others, until they find a female to start their own family with.

A mountain gorilla’s life mirrors our own to every minuscule detail; however, we treat them as a distant creature with little to no resemblance to us. We are the directly responsible for their decline in numbers, yet we are so oblivious to it. For instance, their population is currently under 900 individual gorillas. We play into their decline in numbers under three factors.

Gorillas have lost their homes to humans who have cleared their land for agriculture and livestock. Illegal settlers claimed thousands of acres of land from one of the world’s most abundant source of mountain gorillas: Virunga National Park. They house a quarter of the population in a miniature park only 1.2x the size of Banff National Park here in Alberta.

Although viewing the mountain gorilla in person at the park is a magnificent experience, humans are generally unaware of the harmful diseases that can be transmitted to these gentle giants. The issue arises when it was discovered the gorillas are susceptible to the same illnesses as humans but in far more severe forms. What could be a minor inconvenience to you or myself, can be lethal to a gorilla.

We are told our colds will fade away if we simply ingest a mug of milk and honey every so often. However, if they get our colds, they worry about the loss of a mother or a child. The father may survive, but his odds of survival don’t look any better than his family.

Lastly, Central Africa has been ravaged by war and conflict for many years. Regretfully, the gorillas have found themselves caught in the crossfire of these wartorn countries. Paranoia has driven the people to set traps and landmines for their enemies; however, what they caught were the sons of families looking for a partner to continue a species that may disappear in our lifetime.

Those who know, worry. However, those who worry will do what is in their power to save the mountain gorilla. In recent years, the population of the gorillas has been increasing much in part to the works of conservation experts and the locals from villages and park rangers. The grace of music has blessed the region of Virunga, and WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has teamed up with local artists from the region to help raise awareness through this song.

In addition to raising the spirits of the locals through familiarity, the song promotes tourism in the sense they emphasize that mountain gorillas the attraction many foreigners seek. If they are to attain a stable economy, they musn’t dismantle their ecotourism industry, as it would devastate their economy. Furthermore, locals to the gorilla’s land are being better educated with regards on how to approach a gorilla:

  1. Remain at least 7 meters away from any gorilla.
  2. Any traps found in their land should be removed.
  3. Patrols around gorilla homes should be constant.
  4. Monitor gorilla population.
  5. Support orphaned gorillas by supporting Kariosoke Research Centre.

(We need not fear our distance and separation from them. There is still so much we can do to save them. Donating is perhaps the biggest help you can provide to directly support the species! You can support them here or maybe even here! Or you could treat yourself and visit the beautiful Virunga National Park in Africa to fund the ecotourism industry.)

My Hands Ache

My hands ache from an unrelenting pain, which coats my entire body. This pain that I have known for years shows no sign of parting, so I am left to accept it may never leave my side. Perhaps their company will mean I have someone to be with for the rest of my days.

7/07/57~When I was born. Accompanied.

I can vividly recall a time where I was completely alone from pain and was surrounded instead by those who I love. Friends, family, and colleagues all alike. Each and everyone there by my side to pick me up when I fell or sing to me when tears scattered my face. They taught me how to catch and throw with precision and a fierce fire in my belly. For these gifts, I loved them. I tell anyone these days to listen to their parents because you only realize their love when it’s far too late. Regardless, their gifts became my abilities, and I became a master of my very own craft. Whether it was hockey on ice or baseball on a rough diamond, I did it all. It didn’t matter to me. If it challenged me physically, I was up for any struggle that may come my way. I was unstoppable.

Sometime later… Still accompanied, but more independent.

There wasn’t a place I wouldn’t go. I had become familiar with every state in America and I knew South America as if it were my backyard. There was no limit to where I would go. My favourite was the mountains of the Americas. The grandness of their size fascinated me but never petrified my ability to scale them.

Soon after, I realized it was time to heed my parents words and work hard in my career. I was successful. Buying and selling companies to make a comfortable living for myself and my close family. I remember winning awards and being my own man. I had the ability to do as I pleased for years thanks to my sheer determination and inability to quit.

Finally…  a lot more alone than I would like to be.

Eventually, I soon realized that there are forces in life that no amount of willpower can defeat. No matter how hard I try to resist, it will persist for as long as it pleases. It is multiple sclerosis. An autoimmune disease, which weakens my central nervous system. Myelin is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses through the human body, but MS attacks the myelin that lines my spinal cord and brain. I’m confined to my own body.

This nursery, with all its faults and glows, will be my home. The weight of my condition has been immense on my family, so I leave it to strangers to tend to my every need. It’s much quieter here, lonelier than I thought it would be. The money I made has very little meaning here. It’s almost as if it never happened. Being stuck with myself for company, these thoughts come naturally as I look back on my life. I am glad I accomplished so much, but I often wish I was in different company.

I remember a young man coming by to ask me a few questions. He was so nervous, but he tried to hide it to make himself feel more at ease. Regardless, I told him “Money’s no good in a place like this.” He had a spark in his eyes and became more comfortable after that. He came to enjoy my company and gathered an appreciation for the life I had to live. I felt the same way after because I was glad. I was glad I made a difference in his life, be it a minor one or not. I forgot how much I enjoyed other’s company, and I felt a sense of catharsis when he left. I still had the potential to do so much even my age and condition. Perhaps life is never as lonely as it seems. My hands may be shaken with nerves, but they still have the ability to create and give.

(Thank you, Dwight. -Tim)

Donate to MS research here.


O ~ Opera


O is for Opera ~ For being the Phantom that was my very first musical in Her Majesty’s Theatre

It took me two high school musicals to finally travel out of town to see my first professional musical in London, England. It would have to be worth it too since I would be spending a week away from school just to get an adequate experience of Europe. Besides, my grades were already low, so missing so much class would mean they would only get lower. Nonetheless, I was fine with that since I knew I would make it work eventually… hopefully!

Originally, the plan was to see Les Misérables (or “less miserable” as I like to call it), but the tickets were just too pricey for my family at the time. The only seats available were super-premium VIP seats. 

Nonetheless, my family and I decided on the Phantom of the Opera! The seats were decent, and the theatre was quite spectacular. In addition, my sister and I used to play a game on the computer all about the Phantom. It was our only experience with theatre as kids, so the musical held a special place in our hearts. With our tickets in hand, and our minds open, we embarked on what was to be the greatest moment in our very short lives.

We walked down the streets of London to the theatre, having some difficulty finding it at first. Once there, we split off from our parents and entered the theatre alone. Climbing the stairs made of velvet with our hearts racing and a permanent smile on our faces made us ecstatic. The moment only got better when we found out that there were some seats available a level below us. Eventually, we took our seats and saw the most incredible theatre we could have ever imagined. It was indescribable! The orchestra was just below, the curtains had a scarlet colour to them, which gave off a premium feel to the whole experience. The only thing that was more incredible was the colossal statue that hung over the stage, which depicted an angel with wings of sorts made entirely of what looked to be gold.

 It was then that the musical finally began. My sister and I were in awe of the performance, and it was an experience the two of us won’t be forgetting anytime soon. In fact, I was quite literally in tears! I couldn’t stop singing the songs to myself for weeks, to say the least! I would describe every wonderful detail of the musical, but I couldn’t do the musical justice. All I can say is that this is something everyone needs to experience at least once in their lives. Once you enter, you’ll know you’ve passed the point of no return.  

C ~ Classroom


C is for Classroom; for all the inspirational and thought-provoking moments I have experienced.

I find it odd that a generally unproductive and lazy person like myself could become inspired to write with the flip of a switch. Of course, I am referring to the classroom. 

At home, regardless of how much time I have to write, I find my works are of a lower quality than they would be if I were to write in the classroom. When I write in my bedroom, which happens often because of my tardiness, my writing takes a noticeable drop in quality. In class, I can write, annotate, and speak on subjects I’m completely alienated on just as well as I could one I’m familiar with. Yet, at home, the story shifts completely! 

For me, it’s quite odd, as the home should be a comfortable place to write freely. Not bound by any rubrics or time constraints. In my home, I can’t help but feel all the pressures of time constraints and quality being forced upon me tenfold.

I believe this is the result of distractions, which surround me everywhere I look. Perhaps I could look out the window and admire another wonderful day. Perhaps my cat needs something from me, as she does tend to flop onto her back outside my door and cry to let her in. In fact, it often happens at the most critical of times, like when I need to hand in something before midnight. What do I hear outside my door wanting all my attention? It’s Nala. 

I digress; however, as this theory is also quite flawed. When I’m in the classroom, the opportunity to be distracted is just as simple as if it were to happen at home. The only difference being that I would need to be a little bit more cautious when I’m slacking off. Nonetheless, I write poetry and surprise myself with just how many thought-provoking arguments my mind can conjure on any given subject. 

Admittingly, I don’t quite know the answer to such a paradox, but it keeps me wondering. It may just be my unquenchable curiosity and pursuit for more knowledge, which comes alive only in the afternoon on Mondays to Fridays. It could be the fact I’m surrounded by brilliant minds anytime I’m in the classroom, so my mind gains the will to become as smart as they are. This may just be the case, as when I’m home alone in my own room, the only influence I have is my imbecilic self and a really loving cat.

N ~ Nursery


N is for the nursery; to the time I spent with you laughing and in awe of your story.


 The others had split off from me to embrace their own journeys, and I was alone. Alone to interview a stranger whom I had no background knowledge of. All I knew of him was a name and an acknowledgment of existence. 

So, I sat down at your side. It was awkward at first, as our handshake was weak, and I wasn’t able to understand every word you spoke. You even asked me if I was nervous, afraid, but I lied and said I was comfortable. My truth was that I was claustrophobic, and I didn’t want to upset you with my beliefs. In addition, you even insulted my GPA and told me:

“That’s all?” 

 How was I to respond to your words of harshness? I felt insignificant in your eyes, as you hadn’t even cracked so much as a laugh or a smile. I was afraid of you, and I wanted 2:45 more than anything else at that moment.

All of this until I was finally able to speak. I asked silly questions: 

“What’s your favourite music?”

You said blues.

“When were you born?”

You laughed and shyly replied 57.

“Do you like to travel?”

You said yes and told me your favourite place was Alaska.

 When I asked you what your passions were, you gave me your entire history of sports. You told me of all your successes and stories, and I was in amazement at how much one could accomplish in such a short time.

However, you mentioned how it was all taken away with the gradual build-up of your multiple sclerosis. In such a short time you accomplished, but in an even shorter window of time, all of that and more was taken by your MS. Your hobbies, family, and everything that MS plagues in your body. So you lie in the nursery often by yourself watching films with Denzel Washington. 

Many people felt the same anxiety I felt when I met you, only for them it was permanent. However, I strongly believe in your greatness and your accomplishments. It was you who taught me that money meant nothing in a place “like this”. I was inspired to heed your words and live my own life to its fullest potential. 

I have never known the loneliness you feel now, but I felt for just a moment that I could understand the grief of being by yourself for the rest of your life confined to a room with one of the most terrifying auto-immune diseases I have ever heard. Once known, I didn’t want to leave your side, because I knew that your life would resume the way it once was. 2:45 came by faster than I could have ever imagined, and I was ashamed to leave. Nonetheless, our handshake was strong this time, and I looked you in the eyes with great pride. 

I never looked back, but as I write this, I wish I did. 





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Tommy Two-Shoes!!!

(Written from the perspective of my mask character from Drama 20!)

Dearest Reader, 

Boy, lemme tell you about my very own origin story! Every superhero has one, and I think I’ve been getting pretty popular lately, so I have decided to take it upon myself to write my very own autobiography.

The name is Tommy Two-Shoes, and I’m from a small community in Idaho called Squirrel. It’s just west of the wonderful Yellowstone National Park, which I happen to work at every Tuesday and Sunday. I hold the very imperative role of picking up trash and leftover dog residue.  Even though I’m perfectly happy where I am now, I just know I’ll climb up the workplace hierarchy and prove to everyone how much of a capable leader I am!

Aside from the park, I spend a lot of time at the general store in Squirrel. We only have one store because there’s only two of us living in the place. Clyde, my very best friend, is the guy that runs the place and he doesn’t get a lot of customers. I keep him company and in business by being a regular at his store. 

Clyde and I go all the way back to when I first moved to Squirrel. I was about ten years old, and it was after years of looking for a place to live. You see, when I was little, I never met my mother since she moved somewhere else after she gave birth to me. My dad used to say we would all visit her one day, but he never did tell me when. So, I was an only child living with my dad. Until one day the sky got really red, and my dad went out to investigate. I waited for him to come back with word of what happened, but he never did. I waited and waited to hope that he would come back and tell me why the sky was suddenly hemophiliac. That was 11 years ago, and the last thing I remember him saying was something like this:

Don’t worry, John! Super Dad will take care of this, I’ll be back in a jiffy, so pause the TV until I come back!” He said heroically. 

I sat in that house for quite some time until the sky finally returned to its regular azure blue. Dad never came home, but I listened to him and kept the TV paused. We were watching an episode of Spongebob! It was the one where Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy would defeat the evil BGATFBC (Bad Guys All Together For Book Club). I still haven’t finished the episode, since I’m waiting for him to get back!

After I went through all the food we had in the house, I was forced to get some myself. I was only 10, so there was no way I could get a job, but there was one I could support myself: Bears! Yes, when I was little I had to fight off bears to survive. The winters were much easier since I would just snatch them up while they were sleeping in their dens. 

Anyway, I was a survivor at that point, so I traveled the country with my killer instinct and physical prowess, in search of a new home. That’s when I met Clyde! He was generous enough to let me join his community in Squirrel, and be the town’s very own mascot. I needed some inspiration for my persona, so he gave me some movies to watch in my own flat. It was a pretty run down place since he’s the only one that lives there. It reeked of cologne and sweat, but it was better than living inside trees with… squirrels. 

The movies he gave were all superhero ones, and I watched them all in one go. There must have been dozens of them, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off. My favourite one had to be this comedy show called Jojo. It was a pretty out of body experience, but I did learn some pretty neat poses. 

It was at that moment I knew I wanted to be a superhero! Squirrel’s very own… well, I still needed a name. I asked Clyde for one and he came up with “Tommy Two-Shoes.” Then he walked away laughing. Either at his own sarcasm or brilliance. I definitely thought it was the ladder, so Tommy Two-Shoes©  it was! I built my own statue out of bear bones in the community square and marked my legacy as a superhero. 

Oh, and I saved the world with Clyde! That’s a story for another time, though. 

Also, no one told me how to end an autobiography, so I’ll just end it the only fashioned way:

With a period!

What Dreams?


I remember very vividly the very first time I had an aspiration, a goal, a dream.

Fourth grade, all I seem to remember is the time I had humiliated myself in front of my entire class of nearly 30 students including teachers. I grew as red as the wrapping for Lindt chocolate as I hung my head down in shame so that my eyes couldn’t meet my peers. It was my very first play.

It was every student’s dream to become rich and famous one day in elementary school. Coming from a family that was, to say the least, still adjusting to the move from the UK to Canada, it made a whole lot of sense to me. After all, I thought to myself “Gee, if I’m rich and famous, I can easily give back to my family for all their hard work and make my life so much easier. With that kind of life, I’m completely invincible!” At least, I thought it was that easy.

With that goal in my mind, the opportunity just so happened to present itself. My teacher had the brilliant idea to film a class play that could be used to educate us for class but also serve as a reminder of our elementary brilliance. So, she decided we would make our own play out of a cartoon we watch all the time to ensure our German is up to par. It was called Tom und das Erdbeermarmeladebrot Mit Honig (Tom and the Slice of Bread with Strawberry Jam and Honey) Quite the mouth full for non-German audiences, wouldn’t you say?

(Here is an episode! 🙂 )

The class gathered together in the old classroom to get our roles for the play, and I was easily the most eager student in the room at that moment. To be honest, everyone else seemed quite miserable towards the thought of doing a play, but I was still happy.

The only issue was that I never got a role, so I decided to let my teacher know.

“Frau Lehrer, what’s my role” I muttered with a child-like innocence.

She was quite surprised that I never got a role, so she managed to scramble through the script and see what job needed doing. Of course, she forgot the most important role to hand out. Yes, it would the fabled Sign Bearer.

With this imperative role now resting in my hands, it was time I learned the blocking and lines that came with the whole sign holding deal. On the day of the filming, I was handed a poorly made sign with a single red heart on it. The sign was my life, it was my identity, and the very foundation for my future. With this sign, people would see my talent in the performing arts, and soon enough I would be working with some of the industries biggest talents. Indeed, I was a small boy with big dreams at that moment.

It came time to finally prove myself as a worthy member of the class, as before this moment I had been an introvert with only one friend to keep myself from complete loneliness. Getting up on that stage was invigorating, which would have been the case if it weren’t for the actual blocking.

“Just hold the sign up when they hug and you can go.” She demanded.

Immediately all my previous joy and happiness fled my body. How would people recognize my talent if they couldn’t hear me speak? I was being blocked by two actors, too! I was disappointed, but remained slightly optimistic, which would have been the case if it weren’t for what happened next.

The two characters gave each other a pleasant hug, and I raised the sign over their heads with pride.

“No, try that again.” Frau Lehrer ordered.

Again I tried my best to hold up the sign and get the timing right. Somehow I made a mess of it again and my teacher began to get furious with me.

“Do it again, Tim!” She scorned.

I tried one last time, praying that I had done it right enough for her to not kick me out of the play.

She kicked me out of the play.

With my failure to raise a sign-up, she found someone else that could take my place; however, they did it perfectly the first try. So, I took the walk of shame down the steps and into the rows of seats scattered across the gym. My face was fuming with embarrassment, and there was absolutely no way I could look up to face any of my peers after how much I had humiliated myself.

I thought there might be a second chance for me to perhaps play a role that was less difficult, so I approached my teacher and asked.

As a response, she erupted with anger and shooed me away from her sight and told me to take a seat and not interrupt the filming. I obeyed and found the farthest seat from anyone I could find, and at that moment all I could do was reflect on what I had done. I thought that no celebrity in the world could mess up something so simple like I did. There I gave up any dreams I had of being the biggest success since Leonardo DiCaprio in the Titanic.


Permeate (n.d.). [image] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2018].

Temporary Tattoos (n.d.). Dream Kanji Temporary Tattoo. [image] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2018].


Partially Alive


To Sleep, my many thoughts:

                I can’t remember a single word…

Just moments of me drifting in and out of consciousness…

But I am not dying…

I am merely partially alive.


Why do I need you?  Science cannot comprehend why I need you so much, nor can I. Yet, I could never live without you. I enjoy having you and indulging in the sanctuary that you offer me. You take away so much but give so very little. When I have you, my life is a little easier. When you’re not here, my life suddenly becomes a nightmare I could never enjoy. All I can see are blurs through a glass and the looming presence of darkness that is the world behind my eyelids.


I enjoy your presence so much so that I believe it is you who will cause the end of my life. You have taken so much opportunity from me with your offers of release from my treacherous mortal coil. I merely wish to be in one world for all time, never constantly switching back and forth between worlds stealing beauty from the other. Be it permanent darkness, or perhaps everlasting light, there is simply no chance I could transition between both plains of existence each and every single day. Not one chance.


However, I have learned to cope with your grip on my very existence. It was you that attached one of many padlocks that suppress my being from creating masterpieces. I have overcome your hold on me, and I am no longer bound by your music.


The padlock that covered my vision, falls with a clashing blow to my bedrooms floor, now my eyes are free.


I can see the world that was once a blur to me and my fading eyes, and with them, I will write tales of beauty and wonder. Perhaps about the girl from the café, or the evergreen forests of the Shire. Words meet sight now, and this is the gift that you stole from me years ago. My vision is a blessing, and I will cherish it for as long as I can write what I see.


Regardless, I have a lifetime of things to see, while you stay in the shadows as a now dreaded memory of what was once reality.


Though my body remains bound by chain and padlock, for now, there will come a time when I am once again able to move as freely as a child still free from the shackles of adolescence.


That time will come,

but for now, I return your name…


and I never intend to take it again.







rebloggy (2015). [image] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018].

SamuraiBaby (2009). sleep. [image] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018].